Digital Ultra-high Resistance Checker
(Dexterity very high resistance)
Best Suitable for 10kΩ~200GΩ chip, melf, lead type of
sorting machine of ultra-high resistance, taping and
trimming machine
●Trimming mode is possible.
●High speed integral few method of an error to noise.
[Available to make the integral time setting for
each range.]
●% measurement is possible by digital setting of
the standard resistance value 4 digit. [±50.00%]
●Comparator result is possible open collector output,
LED display and buzzer sound.
●RS-232C interface are built-in as standard equipment.
●Switchable the measuring voltage H/L corresponds
to the measurement objects

The Outline
AX-1644B, digital ultra-high resistance checker, can be measured from
10kΩ to 1000GΩ resistance value, high accuracy, high stability,
and fast speed by digital measurement, and outputs to judge
LO/GO/HI decision built-in digital comparator.
●GP-IB Interface ●Solenoid power supply
●Printer output (8 bit parallel Centronics) ●Printer cable
*Either one interface can built-in the option above.